Question about same sized main and mizzen (Manawa et al)

  • Starting my boat build, and making the fundamental decision for sails before getting started.  I'm sold on the Hobie AI/TI roller furling sails, and I've seen this implemeted (or suggested) in two ways:

    1. Larger TI sail main, smaller AI (or even smaller Mirage) sail mizzen- red sail image below
    2. Larger TI sail for both main and mizzen, like on Manawa, blue sail image below.  There was also a double Laser rig, who moved the board forward to accomodate - but I don't see that Manawa did that.

    Since SRC was designed with the smaller mizzen in mind, this likely influenced both daggerboard size and placement fore/aft, expecting the smaller mizzen. 

    My question: has using a mizzen that's the same size as the main introduced any issues for boats that have not moved the daggerboard?  I don't want to move the daggerboard (raising it quickly from the cockpit is kinda critical IMO) Of course, we can always just reef the mizzen down to whatever size we want/need to balance, but just want to learn a little bit before making the decisision to use two (expensive) sails that are the same size for both main and mizzen?


    Hobie Rig RowCruiser

    RowCruiser by Angus Rowboats sailing on Boyd Lake – fitness paddling

  • Correction above, the sails on Manawa are actually two AI sails, not TI sails.

    But the spirit of the question remains...

  • Before choosing the sails I did, I tried to find a source to buy the hobie rigs. I'm guessing I didn't look hard enough, but I could only easily find the sails for sale. Not the complete rigs

  • @Thomas Krische that has been my experience as well.

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