Hi Jens, That seems like a good way to go. The Expedition kit comes in three boxes. These are the approximate dimensions: Box 1: 13x13x13", 28 lbs Box 2: 32x28x6", 25 lbs Box 3: 100...
Hi Jens, That seems like a good way to go. The Expedition kit comes in three boxes. These are the approximate dimensions: Box 1: 13x13x13", 28 lbs Box 2: 32x28x6", 25 lbs Box 3: 100...
Hello Jens, Overall, I wouldn't recommend fiber cement boards, as I would assume the weight to strength (and simply weight alone) would be much higher than plywood. If you absolutely can't f...
That's great to hear things are moving forward. If you're CNC cutting the wood, please don't refer to the plans manual as the wood requirements are different along with some of the constructi...
Hello Todd, 6mm will be just fine for the hull panels in the RowCruiser. In fact, we made our original prototype from 6mm and used to spec that rather than the current 4mm. As you say,...
Hello Loren - The footplate is 13" long by 12.25 wide. Let me know if you have any other questions regarrding the dimensions.
Hello Dennis - The boats are shipped by UPS and the cost of the Oxford Wherry kit to your location is $116. The Expedition is $159. You certainly can pick them up at location, but the c...
Nice - exciting times ahead. I look forward to following your progress.
Hi David - both methods have their pros and cons. Coating beforehand allows you to reach areas that might otherwise be harder to reach or inaccessible when the boat has been assembled. ...
This wood seems pretty decent. It sounds like it is manufactured in France and has the British Standard 1088 certification, which is what we're looking for. Much of the good plywood com...
Overall, I don't think it would be too much sail area. The standard configuration using the Bic Open sails is a relatively modest total sail area, so having 32% more should be manageable.&nbs...
Hi Colin - Thanks for your feedback on the forum, and I'm sorry to hear you're unhappy with the activity level. As you can imagine, we do try to make it engaging and a useful service to our c...
Hello Dennis - This is called the swivel height - the distance from lower part of the oarlock to the seat. Here it is is in detail (taken from ou rowing geometry page): Swivel Height: The s...
Hi Thomas, Apologies for the delayed reply - I only just saw this message. If you're not using a mizzen, it would actually be forward that the daggerboard would need to be moved. Or the...
I'm glad to hear you're having fun with it. Don't hesitate to fire through any questions you may have.
Hello Matt - The decks don't require fiberglass, just the hull itself. If you glass the hull after the decks are in place, there will be glass covering and sealing the edges of the decks.&nbs...
Hello Kellan - If you plan on rowing in windy conditions, it's very wise to consider your options at this stage. Of all our boats, the RowCruiser is the most vulnerable to winds, due to the e...
Hello Roberto - Well, that's a mission that's dear to my heart. The journey I did around Vancouver Island was one of my rowing highlights - such a beauitiful and rugged coastline to explore.&...
That sounds like a fantastic idea, and I'll try to come up with a few tweaks and customizations I've seen that seem to work well. There's been a lot of creative mods that cusomters have made ...
Hello Thomas - Yes we did do some development with a prototype sliding rigger system, but those efforts have been put on hold for a bit. Overall, the beneifits of slidng rigger systems are gr...
Hi Hank, Okay, that makes sense. There is a subtle difference between rowing a shell and a larger recreational sliding seat boat, and what you've experienced is the main one. Having hi...