Starting my boat build, and making the fundamental decision for sails before getting started. I'm sold on the Hobie AI/TI roller furling sails, and I've seen this implemeted (or suggested) in two ways:
- Larger TI sail main, smaller AI (or even smaller Mirage) sail mizzen- red sail image below
- Larger TI sail for both main and mizzen, like on Manawa, blue sail image below. There was also a double Laser rig, who moved the board forward to accomodate - but I don't see that Manawa did that.
Since SRC was designed with the smaller mizzen in mind, this likely influenced both daggerboard size and placement fore/aft, expecting the smaller mizzen.
My question: has using a mizzen that's the same size as the main introduced any issues for boats that have not moved the daggerboard? I don't want to move the daggerboard (raising it quickly from the cockpit is kinda critical IMO) Of course, we can always just reef the mizzen down to whatever size we want/need to balance, but just want to learn a little bit before making the decisision to use two (expensive) sails that are the same size for both main and mizzen?