Here are a few of my favourite bits of gear for long distance touring:
1) Navigation: My favourite way to navigate is using Navionics. When accuracy is important, I like to leave the phone permanently on in a holder. I ended up purchasing a waterproof Android phone with extra large batteries ($150) just for boating stuff. In settings you can set the screen to stay on permanently. A waterproof phone is much better than a regular phone in a waterproof container.
2) Bedding: I'm a big fan of polyester sleeping bags over down. When wet, polyester will keep you way warmer. It's also more comfortable because it doesn't compress as much, so provides better padding underneath. The disadvantages of polyester (heavier and bulkier) don't matter too much in a boat. I always make sure to have a good Thermarest-style sleeping mat and a comfortable pillow.
3) Safety: VHF radio, First Aid Kit, phone, lights, etc. Once again, a waterproof phone is a good backup for summoning help in rough conditions.
4) Anchor system. Having a small lightweight anchoring system is essential. You want it to be as light as possible, while effective. Small Danforth anchors are one of the best for holding power for weight, though they can have issues in certain conditions. I put a short length of chain on it, to get the pull parallel to ground, and then lightwegiht line for the rest. The rope does not need to be thick and heavy, as the strain taken by the anchor rode is quite modest.