Mystery parts from Sailing RC kit

  • Hi everyone,

    I finally had the time and space to take everything out of the original kit boxes to inventory all the pieces. It was a bit of a puzzle but it definitely helped me visualize the project a bit better. There were a few pieces that I couldn't manage to reconcile with the parts list in the plans or in the build instructions. I've poste a photo of the parts below. In addition, I don't seem to have the narrow strips listed as part #70, which from the description, sound like they are used to join parts of the deck longitudinally. Should those be in the kit or do we have to create them somehow? Thanks!


  • Hello David,

    I'm glad you've been able to get most of it figured out.  It can be a bit of a jigsaw puzzle starting out.  I do believe there may be a few bonus pieces in the kit, that aren't used in the boat.  I've attached the illustrated parts guide.  If you don't see it on the illustration key, it's not required.  

    With regards to the long narrow strips to join the decks, they should be included with the kit components.  They are cut to half thickness, to create a relatively flat butt joint.  If you don't find them, please let the kind folks from Duckworks know.  

    Have fun with the build!RowCruiser Kit Parts

  • LOL, well, I'm sure I can find use for bonus pieces somewhere! I contacted Brandon at Turn Point design because I need to replace a few parts and I asked him about those strips. He didn't think they were needed, because the deck pieces are butt-joined and fiberglassed on both sides. Should I push on this more? With the sailing version, there is an excellent chance that I will need to stand on the deck at some point. Thanks

  • @David E Lee This is hilarious. I have now used all of the parts in my kit except a handful of mystery parts. They are the same ones shown in your picture. We need to start a competiton to see who can find the best, or funniest, way to use them.

  • @Colin Angus I was also missing these parts, so I contacted Brandon. He said they are no longer included in the kit because they were getting broken frequently. Consequently, the grooves into which they are intended to nest are no longer being cut into the deck panels. He now recommends joining the deck sections with a strip of fiberglass tape on the bottom surfaces. So that's what I did and it worked great.  I talk about it here:

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