Hi All,
I am looking any tips on how to move their rowcruiser across soft sand, and up an incline. Does anyone have a particular beach dolly that works ? Particularly looking for advice so one person can launch on the beach, when the boat ramp doesn't extend far enough, or no boat ramp at all.
Thanks in advance,
Soft sand can be a challenge. Overall, if the sand is wet and firm, most wheels will be okay. In the fluffier stuff wider wheels will help. What I've found is pulling the boat rather than pushing makes a big difference, and have, so far, not had any major problems in sand (it's the rocks and boulders that really get you). I have seen boat dollies available with ballloon style tires, which I imagine would make a big difference in fluffy sand. Here's one on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Action-Universal-Carrier-Transport/dp/B07V5G8SZN/ref=sr_1_12_sspa?crid=4NUR38Y8QD0W&keywords=boat%2Bdolly%2Bballoon%2Bwheels&qid=1691594788&sprefix=boat%2Bdolly%2Bballoon%2Bwheels%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-12-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
I ended up buying two inflatable beach rollers. Oh, my word, they are fantastic. Just roll the boat up the beach - easy !
While I haven't yet tried them with the rowcruiser, I have of C-Tug SandTrakz kayak trolley which I use for both my kayaks and a heavier Spearfish 550 SIP with outboard etc. mounted. The rowcruiser will be a little heavier than even the latter, so can't speak on how well a single set would cope with the extra weight, but I think two sets would potentially be really good. Just to warn you - you will need to extend the straps (or replace with longer), as they're sized for a kayak rather than bigger hulls, but they work great with my spearfish which is rather bulkier than the sleek rowcruiser!