The Oxford Wherry combines elements of traditional beauty with modern design and construction to create a vessel that is not just gorgeous, but unbelievably functional. Its design takes the most positive elements of traditional wherries and Whitehalls – wineglass transom, carvel-like construction, and elegant woodwork - while jettisoning the less-than-ideal attributes such as excessive weight and beam.
Click here to learn more about the Oxford Wherry.
Our Digital Plans Package can be downloaded immediately after purchase.. It includes PDF files for the full-sized plans and manual, so you can have them printed at a local print shop capable of large format printing. Alternatively, lofting plans are also included to create the shapes numerically. It also includes DXF files, providing the option of cutting the plywood at a local CNC shop.
The Bumblebee is for the pint-sized mariner. This boat is perfect for kids aged 2-5 and is the only boat on the market that allows... View full product details
The Bumblebee is for the pint-sized mariner. This boat is perfect for kids aged 2-5 and is the only boat on the market that allows... View full product details
The Bumblebee is for the pint-sized mariner. This boat is perfect for kids aged 2-5 and is the only boat on the market that allows... View full product details
The Cambridge Racer is a performance rowing shell designed specifically for speed. It is fastest in calm conditions, however, is shaped to perform well in... View full product details