Should there be any fiberglass on the decks of the Cambrdge Racer?
Or strips over the corner where the deck meets the hull?
Or just epoxy to seal the wood and then finish as desired with paint/varnish?
Or just paint/varnish?
The manual makes some allusions to glass on the deck in the fairing section...but it's never explicitly said. eg. "Where areas of glass cloth overlap -such as the additional strips laid at the bow and stern or the deck cloth overlap..."
Thanks! -Matt
Hello Matt - The decks don't require fiberglass, just the hull itself. If you glass the hull after the decks are in place, there will be glass covering and sealing the edges of the decks. Be sure to first fill and sand any gaps between the deck and the hulll prior to laying the glass. Drape the glass over the hull, apply epoxy, and then cut flush wiht the deck using a utility blade. Any lip or bumps remaining (extending beyond the deck) can be sanded off using 100 grit paper and a sanding block held flat on the deck. You can then seal the deck with just epoxy after glassing the hull. You defintitely want to coat it with epoxy as it fills the grain, and gives a much better surface (once sanded) for painting or varnishing.
Thanks Colin, That all makes sense to me. I'm excited about getting on the water (before it freezes over). This has been a very rewarding project!
I'm glad to hear you're having fun with it. Don't hesitate to fire through any questions you may have.