Roll your boat

  • I had been waiting for a little warmer water to practice rolling and self-recovery with my rowcruiser, but i recently got an unexpected crash course in that and water safety.  This last weekend offered perfect conditions for a Sunday morning cruise.  When i got back to the landing, I had to wait for another boater to clear the dock area.  I decided to stand and stretch my legs when suddenly i found myself in the water and my boat was upside down!  with the assistance of the boater i had been waiting on, i was able to get the boat back to the dock and righted.  A couple quick lessons to share:

    1.  Complacency can kill.  no matter the conditions, wear a life jacket!  Despite the glass smooth surface i was capable of flipping my boat after loosing my balance for an instant.

    2.  The 12v bilge pump made short work of getting water out of the boat, much faster than i could've done it with my bucket.

    3.  Somehow my sliding seat came off the rails.  Luckily the water was clear and shallow enough that it was easily found and recovered.  The end caps were still on and the tabs on the seat hadn't broken.  I tried to replicate the seat coming off, but despite my best efforts of pulling and twisting; could not get it to come off again.  I'm going to rig some sort of tether that won't interfere with use of the seat. 

    Stay safe out there!

    Before and After

  • Glad all ok - how quickly a situation can change out on the water! Would be interested to see pics or hear how you've configured your 12v bilge pump - have been contemplating adding one (or more) to my own SRC.

    And yes - adding a tether to the sliding seat sounds wise!

  • Glad it turned out OK, and the comment about complacency is good.  I have my RowCruiser seat on a tether.  I removed the front stops because I found that I often had to clean the rails - bits of sand or whatever would get on them and the wheels wouldn't roll well.  It's much easier to clean them with the seat completely off.

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