Congratulations on deciding to build the Bumblebee Sailboat.
The Bumbleebee Sailboat is a great boat for first-time boat builders and more experienced ones. It comes together beautifully and can be finished in 25-35 hours of active build time, depending on whether you build from plans or a kit.
This builder's resource offers tips and instruction that will help make your build process straightforward and efficient. Please take a look at the materials here and in your manual before beginning to have the best possible experience.
If you have the downloadable Bumblebee plans, watch our video showing how to print out and assemble the plans using your home computer.
Our Supplies List gives plans builders all the information need to purchase materials. If you are building from plans, you can source all the needed materials yourself. The Supplies List details everything you'll need to build the Bumbleebee Sailboat and offers recommendations on where you can find these materials.