Height of rigger

  • What is the ideal height of the rigger above the rowing seat?

  • Hello Dennis - This is called the swivel height - the distance from lower part of the oarlock to the seat.  Here it is is in detail (taken from ou rowing geometry page):

    Swivel Height:

    The swivel height is the distance from the lowest part of the seat (where your hip bones rest) to the inside of the oarlock where the oar rests. The easiest way to measure this is to set a straight edge through both oarlocks and to measure up from the seat. Be sure that the straight edge does not bow, and press it firmly towards the pin since most oarlocks slope downwards (you want to measure up to the highest point where the oar sits). The swivel height should be 14-18 cm. Spacers are used to lift the riggers to the ideal height.

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