Rowcruiser build

  • Just finished stitching together my rowcruiser and placed bulkheads 1 and 2 roughly in the correct positions.  each has a significant gap on the bottom.  If there anything i can do to remedy that issue?  Any help would be greatrowcruiser1

  • That's a lovely bucolic setting where you're building your boat.  The way to cinch the bulkheads to the hull is to drill a few holes through the bulkhead, and then two corresponding holes (about 1/4" from both sides of the bulkhead), run copper wires through and cinch them tight.  You just have to do enough so there are no gaps larger than 1/8"

  • Note the wire ties along the bottom edge of the bulkhead. 

    It's an Expedition, bit a Row Cruser, but the idea is the same.


  • Thanks for all the feedback.  I ended up taking it all apart and planing the edges of the panels through most of the pencil markings.  It went together much better and you can see from the picture the gaps are nearly insignificant before being wired.  Hope to get it all true and glued tomorrow.

    post trim

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