The second side was much harder to smooth than the first. It had essentially no tack left, but was still a tiny bit soft. That was enough to make the cloth refuse to slide while smoothing it. Got it done regardless. Bow, transom, and hopefully both remaining coats tomorrow!

Bow, transom, and second coat of epoxy complete. I'll come back tonight for the third coat. A question if anyone is reading. I've run out of the raka epoxy from duckworks, but I do have epoxy from totalboat, can I use that as my third coat?
Beginnings of what I'm hoping to turn into a mirage drive / daggerboard box
Tomorrow may be the last chance at epoxy temperatures without heating my shed. So I got the hull flipped and the bench supports dry fit. 
My idea to support the hull for the next operations was successful, kind of. Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution that works. I worked all day without the wooden risers. There was no way that could continue.

I'm about finished with my daggerboard half. My plan is to use this in a mould to make a female copy. I'll use this as a sanding block when shaping my actual board. 
More temporary than I had anticipated. 
The two attached to the hull and the partial bulkheads are glued in. The rest are just there for moral support
It lasted one whole day before collapsing. Here is cradle Mk3. I definitely want to get in my boat, but I'm not sure about my weight unsupported by the water as well as my design skills
Mirage drive / board case mocked up.

I know I'll want to reinforce it quite heavily to redistribute the loads. But without a mirage drive in hand I'm stuck for now. Can't close the float chambers without reinforcing. Can't reinforce until the box is finalized. Can't finalize until I have a drive unit. Hopefully someone will have a Black Friday deal, but I'm not hopeful. I'm in a similar position with the decks. I need to finalize my mast steps before I can do anything there.

Do you have much experience with the Mirage Drive? I fitted one in my CLC Mill Creek 16 and it was fantastic. The RowCruiser is a much larger boat, so I will be curious to see how it performs. The newer Mirage Drives have larger sails, so I suspect they are more powerful than the earlier models like mine.
Well, after literal hours of searching, I found a mirage 180 kick up w/turbo fins for $200 off. Success!
@Kellan Hatch Somehow I missed your question. I've never even seen a mirage drive in person, so this will be a learning experience for me
I didn't even know they had a kickup feature now. Very impressive. You got a fantastic deal! They have tripled in price since I bought my earlier model new, back in the Neolithic, for $300-something. Now it looks like it's over $1k new.
It looks like you're just a little ahead of me. It will be fun to compare notes. I'm likely to slow down a little bit now, since the temperature is getting down into the 20s and I'm trying to keep my shop warm with a space heater. Epoxy is setting much slower these days.
@Kellan Hatch I'm in an unheated storage shed, while only slightly warmer. I'm not really sure how I'm going to get much progress done on items too big to bring home with me
I haven't pulled the trigger yet, but just learned about coldcure from system 3. It will cure at temperatures down to 35 degrees apparently. Does anyone have experience using this product?
I have been getting by pretty well using a couple of space heaters. I have an oil convection heater that I turn on an hour of so before I want to get busy in the shop and a small old-fashioned type with a heating element that I can use for a quick jump-start, then I turn it off and let the convection heater maintain the temperature. I have no use for the newer IR radiant heaters because they don't do much to raise the ambient room temperature.
Please let us know how well the Cold Cure works, if you decide to go that route.